The side effects that result from abusing whippets can range from mild to severe, and even being deadly in some circumstances.
It can affect health in negative ways through both inhalations as well as skin and eye contact with the liquid or concentrated gas. Which is not only a dangerous inhalant but also a dissociative anesthetic that can give the users a strong “high” feeling that is incredibly short-lived. The gas inside whippets is nitrous oxide. The “laughing gas” in the whippets is used as a recreational drug, and often abused, for its intense euphoria.
Sometimes the users will even inhale the gas directly from the cracker without a balloon, which can be even more dangerous than simply using the drug because the cold gas can cause tissue damage and even suffocation and death. The gas is then used to fill balloons, which are then passed to people who inhale the gas from them to get high. They are small silver cylinders that have the gas inside, that must first be opened or “cracked” with a “cracker” like a whipped cream dispenser.

These are also sometimes known as whip-its, whippits, hippie crack, bulbs, nangs, or nangers. Whippets are the name of a small charger that contains the gaseous compound nitrous oxide. It may seem fun at the moment, but abusing whippets can have serious and even potentially fatal ramifications. The gas that fluffs that cream up before topping your dessert can be abused by people looking to get high. While the frothy whipped treat itself is virtually harmless aside from some sugar and dairy, there is a component of the product that is actually a commonly abused drug in some circles. It goes on pie, lattes, cakes, and even right out of the can if you’re feeling silly.